
Gazi University Non -  Ionizing Radiation Protection, Application and Research Center (GIRKUM), With the approval of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) dated 25 January 2005, Gazi Non –İonizing Radiation Protection Centers (GNRK) regulation published in the Official Newspaper in 22 July 2005. Center is called Gazi University Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Application and Research Center (GIRKUM) Since 29 january 2021 (Official Newspaper, numbered 31379)

GIRKUM, presently, continues their research on the following subjects,

EM field measurement, consultancy and expertise services,

Health and Biological Effects of EM field sources

Establishing General Public and Occupational EM Field Exposure Standards

in the Extremely Low Frequency and Radio Frequency band of the EM Spectrum


Prof. Dr. Nesrin SEYHAN (Founding Director) (2005-2017)

Prof. Dr. Ayşe G. CANSEVEN KURŞUN (2017-2020)

Prof. Dr. Haluk KORALAY (2020- ....)


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